About Christadelphians

Introducing Ourselves

What Does Christadelphian Mean?

The name “Christadelphian” is a combination of two Greek words meaning brothers and sisters in Christ, Colossians 1:2.

We are a small group who follow the faith of the first-century followers of Jesus. We base all our beliefs on the Bible as the inspired word of God.

The Bible is able to be read and understood by all and we believe it is essential to understand the Bible for ourselves and develop our own personal faith. We believe there is only one true gospel and that it is essential to salvation to believe the Truth.

Are We Another Church?

We do not identify as Christians as we believe the churches of Christianity have departed from the one true gospel as taught in the Bible. We only recognise Christ as our Lord and the authority of the Bible as the inspired Word of God.

How Do We Operate?

We are a lay community and are all equal as brothers and sisters in Christ. We have no central governing body, or paid ministry, or positions of authority in our congregations.

The members of each congregation appoint a small management committee to administer the running of the ecclesia. The members volunteer their services for the various functions of the congregation.

Each congregation is independent and self-managed, but Christadelphians around the world are united by a common faith which is the basis of our fellowship together.

How Long Have We Been Around For?

Christadelphian congregations began forming in the USA and Britain in the 1840s through the work of Dr John Thomas MD. He read and understood the Bible for himself and came to the same conclusions as others did before him.

Christadelphians are another revival of Apostolic Faith in a chain of minority groups with similar beliefs that have existed since the time of the apostles.

Christadelphians meet in approximately 120 countries around the world.

A Community of Ordinary People

As our name implies, we are a vibrant community of ordinary people who have a common faith and hope in Jesus Christ. We are a community who love and care for each other.

We would love to share the hope of the Gospel with you. If you would like to learn more please contact us or come and visit us.

Christadelphian Seminar Centre Warradale